Wipeout hd fury trophy guide
Wipeout hd fury trophy guide

– Pick John Anderson and then pick the bruiseball course. Wisconsin Pride (Silver) – As John Anderson, get a time of 1:00 or better on Bruiseball. – Just pick John Henson as your character when you play, and after a couple of games the trophy should unlock. I Love the Sound of My Voice (Silver) – Playing as John Henson, listen to 25 lines of John Henson commentary. You need to repeat this 6 times for the trophy. – Pick Tiffany and then pick episode 6 and just stand in front of the punch obstacle and let her get punched. W-I-P-E-O-U-T!!! (Bronze) – Wipeout 7 times on the Sucker Punch in episode 6 as Tiffany Bannister. When you reach the spinning stick obstacle, just get hit by the tip so you don’t wipeout. – Pick Jenny and then pick qualifier episode 5. Tree Hugger (Bronze) – Touch a Sweeper Tree without being wiped out as Jenny Sunflower. – Pick Angelica and then pick episode 1 and try to run a perfect course without getting hit by an obstacle. Hands off the Merchandise (Bronze) – Finish any Qualifier as Angelica Belle without being touched by anything. Pick any qualifier and make sure you haven’t turned off the replay cam or any other thing in the options or the trophy will not unlock! Start any qualifier and wipeout on each obstacle 3 times only (will auto skip you when you do so). – Go to Multiplayer and pick Colin as player 1. I’m too Emo for This Game (Bronze) – As Colin Edwards, finish any Qualifier in Multiplayer by wiping out 3 times on each obstacle. You need 3:14:xx, but the sub seconds don’t count, so don’t worry. As soon as it enters 3:14 go to the finish zone. Then just wait next to the finish line until the clock hits 3:13. – Pick LenexLinus_42 and pick any qualifier (preferably a one with a normal ending instead of a jump ending).

wipeout hd fury trophy guide

Just stay on 1 of them for 3o seconds and the trophy should unlock.Įasy as Pi (Bronze) – Get a time of exactly 3:14 on any Qualifier as LenexLinus_42. At the end of the level, you will see blue rolling obstacles that you need to jump onto to reach the end of the level. – Pick Francis and then pick Wipeout zone D. Too Cool for School (Bronze) – Stay on the Sinister Snowflakes for longer than 30 seconds as Francis Maynard. Wipeout on each one once ONLY, and then go to the chekpoint and the trophy should pop up. At the start of the episode, you will see a dog, a pie and a door. – Select Agatha and go to episode 5 in practice. My Nana Cooks the Best Wipeouts (Bronze) – Wipeout on a dog, pie, door and sweeper of Nana’s House exactly once each as Agatha Wrinkles in Episode 5 or 6. Once you see the big balls drop down into the mud, just run – the trophy will follow shortly after. – Select Jebidiah and then select Episode 3. It’s a Dirty Job (Bronze) – Trudge through 4 meters of mud as Jebidiah Shiner. Just jump and duck at the correct moment for 30 seconds and the trophy is yours. – This is the 1st bonus minigame that subtracts your time. Rockin’ Around the Sweeper Trees (Silver) – Last more than 30 seconds on the Sweeper or Ski Lift. Try to avoid them, or else you will need to retry. – In episode 1, you will come across this when you are standing on a platform and punches come out of the wall. Rock’em Sock’em (Bronze) – Pass the Sucker Punch without wiping out. Cross it without jumping or getting wiped out on it, and if you fail just retry. – In wipeout zone B, you will see something that looks like a pipe that goes back and fourth. Jack Be Nimble (Bronze) – Make it through a Piston Punch without jumping or wiping out. – Keep pressing X until the trophy pops up – it’s that easy. Jumping Jack (Bronze) – Jump 8 times in 10 seconds. The trophy will pop when you reach a checkpoint. Try to cross them without falling off, and if you do simply retry.

wipeout hd fury trophy guide

Happy Ballidays (Silver) – Cross the Big Balls without wiping out. – In Episode 2, you will reach a part where you will see 2 bounce pads and a red rotating stick – just jump from one pad to another in between the rotating stick 10 times and the trophy will pop.

Wipeout hd fury trophy guide